I've helped to organise a workshop at the New School for Social Research in New York for next Monday. Here's the program, and the main site for it is here. I'll put up the readings when I get back, hopefully having read them!
Mechanisms of Inequality: Theory and Empirics
A one-day workshop at the New School for Social Research, New York
20 November, 2006, Wolff conference room, 65 5th Avenue, NY, 10003, The New School for Social Research
The Idea
The study of inequality and its relationship to the debate over the potential effects of the increased integration of the global economy has never been more relevant. This debate takes place in three overlapping spheres of inquiry: there are those researchers that theorize about the role of inequality and model its effects on economic fundamentals, those that measure the incidence of inequality across the globe, and those that critique these approaches. We wish to bring three leading exponents of each of these spheres of inquiry to the New School to instruct our students on the current best practice in each area. This will cement the New School’s current commitment to the study of inequality and aid doctoral students in their research by exposing them to the latest thinking from the best thinkers in the area. The purpose of the workshop is primarily educational: each speaker would be lecturing at some length to the students on different approaches to the study of inequality, and students would be free to ask questions and clarify technical points to get the most out of each session. A short ‘course pack’ will be made available by the lecturers beforehand to allow the students to make the most of their time in class. Computer labs will be made available if necessary. Entrance would be limited to 25-30 students, post-docs and faculty to make the class size more amenable to lecturing at the graduate level.
09:00 am–09:30 am Welcome, tea & coffee
09:30 am–11:00 am Dr. Jomo K.S., DESA, UN
“Theories of inequality in development”
11:00 am–11:30 am Tea & Coffee
11:30 am–01:00 pm Dr. Francisco H.G. Ferreira, The World Bank
“Inequality Empirics in Developing Countries: Measurement, Structure and Dynamics”
01:00 pm–2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm–3.30 pm Dr. Sanjay Reddy, Columbia University
“Choices of inequality indices and their implications”
3:30 pm–4:00 pm Tea & Coffee
4:00 pm–5.30 pm Roundtable Discussion