4333 Lecture 9 Inequality in the EU
We have seen how the EU has affected economic growth and development across the EU in previous lectures. In this lecture, we will examine how the EU affects the social fabric of its constituent societies, through a series of cohesion funds. We will look at the definitions of inequality in the economics literature, develop some tools to measure this inequality, and expose these tools to available data.
To examine the role of the social cohesion funds in the development of economic integration
To discuss their history and potential economic effects and affects.
To develop the Gini coefficients and Lorenz curves for individual countries and discuss the role of income distribution and redistribution
Students will construct a hypothetical Lorenz curve in class.
Further Reading
The Gini Coefficient
The Lorenz Curve
Michie, J., `Unemployment in Europe', in Amin and Tomaney, eds. \textit{Behind the Myth of European Union: Prospects for Cohesion}, Routledge Press, 1995, pgs. 51--82. \textsf{337.14 AMI}.
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