Three cool things are going to happen next term. First, I'll have the opportunity to teach Financial Economics to a group of students watching a financial meltdown. This means scrapping the entire course from last year, more or less, and going straight from the data and more physical models, like the Limit Order Only Market approach. Second, I'm co-teaching EC6012, International Monetary Economics, with Prof Edward Nell, my PhD supervisor and an authority on monetary economics, so that will be great fun, a learning experience for me, and great for the students. Third, I'll be giving a talk to the Msc and PhD students about beauty in mathematical economics, and modeling more generally, which I'm really looking forward to.
So, a great deal of work to do, given that both courses need, essentially, to be rewritten from scratch, and a few guest lectures here and there to spice the whole semester up, plus our upcoming seminar series, which I co-organise. Very exciting days.
I have some ideas to implement from last year, see here and here for my thoughts on the last courses I taught (here, here)