Having had some feedback on the problem set, I've decided to change it slightly.
- First, the deadline is now next Friday, 13th of March, at the same time as before.
- Second, question 2, on the Goodwin model, will be an extra credit question, where marks gained in the question go towards any marks one might lose in the final exam. Thus if a student has worked hard on the problem, I will still reward that work.
Some students are finding this module hard. That is a good thing. The module will remain as hard, if not harder, in the coming weeks. International Monetary Economics is a technical subject. Mastery of this subject to a postgraduate requires a technical facility, which I expect each student to demonstrate over the course of the module if they wish to see a good grade at the end of it.
I'm very much looking forward to the rest of the course, and I'll see everybody on Monday, where I'll answer more questions if students have them.