
Working Papers

Links to SSRN, ArXiVRePeC pages.

Links to all published papers are provided in the titles of the papers listed below.

  1. McMahon, M., Calligaris, S., Doyle, E., & Kinsella, S. (2021) Scale, market power and competition in a digital world: Is bigger better? OECD Working Paper No. 2021/01.

  2. Stephen Burgess, Oliver Burrows, Antoine Godin, Stephen Kinsella and Stephen Millard (2016) A Dynamic Model of Financial Balances for the United Kingdom, Bank of England Working Paper No. 614.

Journal Articles

  1. Landman, M., Ojanperä, S., Kinsella, S., & O’Clery, N. (2023). The role of relatedness and strategic linkages between domestic and MNE sectors in regional branching and resilience .Journal of Technology Transfer. Vol 48, pages 515–559.

  2. Farrell,C.A., Coleman, L, Norton, D., Kelly‐Quinn,M, Kinsella, S., Obst, C., Eigenraam, M., O’Donoghue, C., Sheehy, I., Smith, J., Stout, J. (2022) Applying ecosystem accounting to develop a risk register for peatlands and inform restoration targets at catchment scale: a case study from the European region. Restoration Ecology, e13632.

  3. O’Clery, N. and Kinsella, S. (2022) Modular structure in labour networks reveals skill basinsResearch Policy. Volume 51, Issue 5, 104486.

  4. Farrell, C., Coleman, L., Norton, D., Kelly-Quinn, M., Obst, C., Eigenraam, M., O’Donoghue, C., Kinsella, S., Smith, F., Sheehy, I. and Stout, J., 2021. Developing peatland ecosystem accounts to guide targets for restorationOne Ecosystem, 6, p.e76838.

  5. Farrell CA, Coleman L, Norton D, Kelly-Quinn M, Obst C, Eigenraam M, O’Donoghue C, Kinsella S, Smith F, Sheehy I, Stout JC (2021) Developing peatland ecosystem accounts to guide targets for restorationOne Ecosystem 6: e76838.

  6. Nichol, S., Cameron, S., Håkanson, C., Kinsella, S. and Smidt, J., (2021). OECD Review of the Irish Fiscal Advisory CouncilOECD Journal on Budgeting, 21(3).

  7. Jaouimaa, F.Z., Dempsey, D., van Osch, S., Kinsella, S., Burke, K., Wyse, J. and Sweeney, J., (2022) An age-structured SEIR model for COVID–19 incidence in Dublin, Ireland with framework for evaluating health intervention costPLOS One.

  8. Farrell CA, Coleman L, Kelly-Quinn M, Obst CG, Eigenraam M, Norton D, O`Donoghue C, Kinsella S, Delargy O, Stout JC (2021) Applying the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) framework at catchment scale to develop ecosystem extent and condition accountsOne Ecosystem 6: e65582.

  9. Raza, H., Zoega, G., Kinsella, S. (2019) Exploring the effects of capital mobility on saving investment nexus: Evidence from Icelandic historical data 67:2, 117-131.

  10. Kinsella, S. (2019) Visualising economic crises using accounting modelsAccounting, Organizations, and Society, 75, 1-16.

  11. Raza, H., Zoega, G., Kinsella, S. (2018) Capital inflows, crisis and recovery in small open economiesFinance Research Letters, 27(1), 273–282.

  12. Xiong, H., Payne, D. and Kinsella, S. (2018) Identifying mechanisms underlying peer effects on multiplex networksJournal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21(4),6

  13. Raza, Hamid, Kinsella, Stephen, and Zoega, Gylfi (2018) Asymmetries Exist in the Feldstein-Horioka RelationshipThe Journal of International Trade and Development, 27(6), 667–684.

  14. Coyle, B., Kinsella, S. Lenehan, B., and Queally, J.D. (2018) Cost utility analysis in orthopaedic trauma; what pays? Injury. 49(3), 575—584.

  15. Ahern, Elayne and Kinsella, Stephen and Semkovska, Maria (2018) Clinical efficacy and economic evaluation of online cognitive behavioral therapy for major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysisExpert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 18(1), 25–41.

  16. Schasfoort, J., Godin, A., Bezemer, D., Caiani, A. & Kinsella, S.

    1. Monetary Policy Transmission in a Macroeconomic Agent-Based ModelAdvances in Complex Systems, 20(8), 1850003.
  17. Kinsella, Stephen, NicGabhann, Niamh, Ryan, Annmarie (2017) Designing policy: collaborative policy development within the context of the European capital of culture bid processCultural Trends, 26(3), 233–248.

  18. Schneider, Markus, Kinsella, Stephen and Godin, Antoine, (2017), Redistribution in the Age of Austerity: Evidence from Europe, 2006-13Applied Economics Letters, 24(10), 672–676.

  19. Caiani, Alessandro and Godin, Antoine and Caverzasi, Eugenio and Gallegati, Mauro and Kinsella, Stephen and Stiglitz, Joseph E.,

    1. Corrigendum to “Agent based-stock flow consistent macroeconomics: Towards a benchmark model“[Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 69 (2016) 375–408], Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 82(4), p. 176.
  20. Schneider, Markus, Kinsella, Stephen and Godin, Antoine, (2016), Changes in the Profile of Inequality across Europe since 2005: Austerity and RedistributionEuropean Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 13(3), 354–374.

  21. Raza, Hamid, Fasianos, Apostolos, and Kinsella, Stephen, (2016), Exploring the Link between Household Debt and Income Inequality: An Asymmetric ApproachApplied Economics Letters, 24, pages 404 - 409.

  22. Xiong, Hang, Kinsella, Stephen and Payne, Diane (2016), The Self-Enforcing Agreement in Cooperative Teams: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach, Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 4(1), 1 - 19.

  23. Raza, Hamid, Gudmundsson, Bjorn, Kinsella, Stephen, and Zoega, Gylfi, (2016), Two thorns of experience: financialisation in Iceland and IrelandInternational Review of Applied Economics, 30(6), 771 - 789.

  24. Caiani, Alessandro and Godin, Antoine and Caverzasi, Eugenio and Gallegati, Mauro and Kinsella, Stephen and Stiglitz, Joseph E.,

    1. Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Macroeconomics: Towards a Benchmark ModelJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 69, 375-408.
  25. Xiong, Hang and Payne, Diane and Kinsella, Stephen, (2016) Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Innovations: Theory and SimulationJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 63, August, 1–13.

  26. Furey, Emilia, O’Hora, Denis, McNamara, John, Kinsella, Stephen and Noone, Chris, (2016) The roles of financial threat, social support, work stress and mental distress in dairy farmers’ expectations of injuryFrontiers of Public Health, Vol. 4(1), 126-132.

  27. Fennel, D., O’Sullivan, D., Godin, A., Kinsella, S. (2016) Is it possible to visualise any stock flow consistent model as a directed acyclic graph?Computational Economics, 48(2), 307-316.

  28. Kinsella, S & Khalil, S. (2015) Bad banks choking good banks: A stock flow consistent analysis. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 12(1), 51-72.

  29. Kinsella, S. (2014) Post-bailout Ireland as the Poster Child for AusterityCESifo Forum 15 (2), 20-25.

  30. Kinsella, S. (2014) What causes credit booms? Research in International Business and Finance. Volume 30(1), 310–311.

  31. O’Connor, T., Kinsella, S., O’Sullivan, KPV, (2014), Legal Protection of Investors, Corporate Governance, and Investable Premia in Emerging MarketsInternational Review of Economics and Finance. 29(1), 426-439..

  32. Mullins, M., O’Regan, P, Kinsella, S, O’Regan, K. (2013) Accounting for Intangibles, the issue of memory in the philosophy of Bergson Philosophy of Management, 12(3), 49-63.

  33. Godin, A. and Kinsella, S. (2013) Production Functions at the Business End: The Case of the Fiscal CompactGlobal & Local Economic Review 17(1), 153-181.

  34. Kinsella. S (2013) Was the Celtic Tiger Profit Led or Wage Led? Review of Political Economy, 25(4), pp. 572–585.

  35. Healy DA, Aziz A, Wong M, Clarke Moloney M, Coffey JC, Grace PA, Kinsella S, Walsh SR, (2013) A descriptive cost analysis study of cases of right iliac fossa painInternational Journal of Surgery, 11(5), 524-528.

  36. Kinsella, S. (2013) Modeling moments of crisis: The case of IrelandJournal of Economic Issues, 47(2), 561-567.

  37. Kinsella, S. and O’Sullivan, K.P.V (2013) Financial and Regulatory Failure: The Case of IrelandJournal of Banking Regulation,14(1), 1–15.

  38. Kinsella, S. (2012) Is Ireland really the role model for austerity?Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36(1), 223–235.

  39. O’Sullivan, KPV and S. Kinsella (2012) Chasing shadows: Europe prepares to regulate shadow bankingJournal of Banking Regulation, 13(1), 173-177.

  40. Kinsella, S. (2012) ‘Blueprint for an Algorithmic Economics’New Mathematics & Natural Computation, 8(1), 101-111.

  41. Kinsella, S. and O’Donovan, C. (2011) ‘An Experimental Analysis of Irish Electricity Prices’The Electricity Journal 24(9), 96-105.

  42. O’Sullivan, K.P.V. and Kinsella, S. (2011) ‘An institutional architecture for meta-risk regulation in Irish banking. Lessons from Anglo Irish Bank’s Minsky moment’ Journal of Banking Regulation, 12, 342-355.

  43. Watts, M., Powys, L., O’Hora, C., Kinsella, S., Saunders, J., Reid, R., Finucane, P. (2011) ‘Acute Medical Assessment Units: an efficient alternative to in-hospital acute medical care’, Irish Medical Journal, 104(2), 47-49.

  44. O’Sullivan, K.P.V and Kinsella, S (2011), Recapitalising European BanksFinancial Regulation International, 14(8), 1-8 (lead article).

  45. Kinsella, S., Greiff, M., and Nell, E.J. (2011) ‘Income Distribution in a Stock-Flow-Consistent Model with Education and Technological Change’Eastern Economic Journal, 37, 134-149.

  46. Kinsella, S., (2010) ‘Pedagogical Approaches to Theories of Endogenous versus Exogenous Money’International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 1(3), 276-282.

  47. Young, N., Kinsella, S., Raio, C., Nelson, M., Chiricolo, M., Johnson, A., Malcolm, G., Drumheller, B., Sama, A., (2010), ‘Economic Impact of Additional Radiographic studies after registered diagnostic medial sonographer-certified emergency physician performed identification of cholecystitis by ultrasound’,Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38(5), 645-651.

  48. Kinsella, S., Young, N. (2009) ‘Ultrasound guided central line placement versus standard landmark technique: some unpleasant arithmetic for the economics of medical innovation’Value in Health, 12(1), 99-101.

  49. Kinsella, S. (2009), ‘Many to One: Using the Mobile Phone to Interact with Large Classes’British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(5), 959-963.

  50. Kinsella, S. (2009) ‘Preference falsification in teaching’,Econ Journal Watch, 60(3), 352-358.

  51. Kinsella, S. (2008) Reconciling Newtonian and Simonian Concepts of SpaceCybernetics and Human Knowing, 15(2), 69-74.

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