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January 4th, 2007

links for 2007-01-04

A practical guide for the use of oral presentations Criteria Marks Comments Content Opening, clarity of argument orexplanation, summary and […]

December 30th, 2006

links for 2006-12-30

BBC - Radio 4 In Our Time - Science Archive Archive of 'in our time' science program (tags: bbc history […]

December 29th, 2006

Notes on Economical Writing

If its possible to cut out a word (or sentence), cut it out.Cut material no matter how brilliant you consider it, if it does not advance the topic of your paper....  Use active verbs rather than passive ones to add life to your writing.Delete the word "is" whenever possible and rewrite the sentence using an active verb.

December 27th, 2006

links for 2006-12-27

Medical Statistics on the Internet Great Resource for Health Economics (tags: Health Data) A Medical Statisitics Course Interesting, though very […]

December 25th, 2006

links for 2006-12-25

Monetary Economist (tags: Intl+Monetary+ecs) Monetary Economics (tags: intl+monetary+ecs) Monetary Economics Homepage (tags: intl+monetary+ecs) Monetary economics: Datasources (tags: intl+monetary+ecs) Monetary economics: […]

December 17th, 2006

links for 2006-12-17

The ECB’s Two Pillars - A Success The ECB’s Two Pillars - A Success (tags: EC4333 Readings)

December 15th, 2006

links for 2006-12-15

Gian-Carlo Rota Excellent Resource on History of Mathematics (tags: Interestingpeople)

December 15th, 2006

EC4333 Problem Set 3 Answers

Right Click the link below and choose 'save target as' to download the answers. [Download EC4333_PS3_Ans.pdf]

December 15th, 2006

EC4333 Problem Set Marks

Right click the file to download the marks for the continual assessment part of this course. [Download EC4333_Final_Grades_All.pdf]

December 14th, 2006

links for 2006-12-14

View Quotes Beautiful Maths Quotes. (tags: Research) About Stanislaw Ulam

December 12th, 2006

EC4333 Economics of European Integration Lecture 10 Recap

Right click to download the .pdf of this short lecture. [Download EC4333_Lecture10_Recap_handout.pdf]

December 11th, 2006

EC6101 International Political Economy Lecture 6 Unemployment and the Macroeconomy

right click the link below to download the .pdf. [Download EC6101_Lecture6_UE.pdf]

December 7th, 2006

links for 2006-12-07

SSRN Author Page for Manfred Gartner interesting monetary economist, nice paper (tags: Teaching,) Point, Counterpoint (tags: inequality) / World […]

December 7th, 2006

EC6101 Lecture 5 PPP & The International Fisher Effect

Right click the link below and choose 'save target as'. [Download EC6101_Lecture_5_PPP_handout.pdf]

December 7th, 2006

EC6101 Lecture 4International Political Economy Open Economy Macroeconomics

Right click the link below and choose 'save target as' [Download EC6101_lecture4_open_ec_macro.pdf]

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