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May 25th, 2015

Employment data: Careful now.

Sometimes failure really is success in progress. The headline unemployment is now 9.8%, more than 212 thousand people. On the […]

May 18th, 2015

#Brexit and Ireland

David Cameron’s re-election has stunned pollsters and put the issue of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union firmly on […]

May 14th, 2015

Bill Janeway on good and bad bubbles and where unicorns come from

Readers, and especially students, will know I'm a fan of Bill Janeway's big book on Doing Capitalism, which if you […]

May 11th, 2015

Are some people really allergic to work?

Michael Noonan thinks there are some people who are work shy, people who, if a job was a bed, they’d […]

May 5th, 2015

Spring Statement Gets the Balance Right

Backslapping. Clarity. A break from the policies of the past. Balance. Forecasts as anchors for expectations. Prudence.  Long-term thinking. These […]

April 27th, 2015

Grand rounds presentation

Last Friday I gave a presentation at ground rounds at University Hospital, Limerick. The feedback was fascinating, and my slides […]

April 27th, 2015

Ireland Needs a Tax Strategy

Taxes are the price you pay for social services. You might think the price is too high, too low, you […]

April 20th, 2015

What exactly will the banking inquiry unearth?

The banking inquiry is starting to get expensive and soon it will start getting expansive. Clocking in at more than […]

April 13th, 2015

Is there really a crisis in the Eurozone?

(This is an unedited version of yesterday's Sunday Business Post column). Is there really a crisis in the Eurozone? If […]

April 7th, 2015

Why we won’t see reform of the public service unless we change the model we use.

(This is an unedited version of my Sunday Business Post column from yesterday) Why do you pay your taxes? One […]

April 2nd, 2015


(Here's the text of a piece I wrote for the booklet for the BSTAI event I mentioned in the last […]

April 2nd, 2015

Contradictions, Choices, and How to Embrace Them

(This is the text of my speech to the KBS/BSTAI Awards a few weeks ago. It was a lot of […]

March 30th, 2015

Why yes of course you can buy an election

(This is an unedited version of my Sunday Business Post column from yesterday) Today’s Red C/Sunday Business Post Poll shows […]

March 24th, 2015

Dullards rule the roost

(This is an unedited version of my Sunday Business Post column from last Sunday). You know you’re living in interesting […]

March 19th, 2015

UCC Economics Society Talk

Last night I spoke to the UCC economics society on the subject of the banking inquiry, and what we might […]

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