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December 24th, 2007

OLPC: What happens when 100 million children get laptops?

Blogged with Flock

December 24th, 2007

Zimbabwe banks open over holidays

People are still sleeping outside banks in the hope of getting cash before Christmas, he said."Tomorrow is Christmas day and […]

December 23rd, 2007

links for 2007-12-23

Dean P. Foster and H. Peyton Young - Hedge Fund Wizards - Good case study for the options part […]

December 23rd, 2007

Earning excess returns

To illustrate how easy it is to set up a hedge fund scam, consider the following example. An enterprising man […]

December 22nd, 2007

Lovely Word!

  (Yiddish) a gullible simpleton more to be pitied than despised; "don't be such an apologetic schnook." Link Blogged with […]

December 21st, 2007

links for 2007-12-21

MoneyScience Home Page (tags: business Conference Finance news Research) RGE - About Us (tags: EC4024 Blogs Finance) Experimental Economics Program […]

December 20th, 2007

EC4024 Financial Economics Readings

Here are Jstor Links to several important readings for the course. Some are available in the course pack, others are […]

December 20th, 2007

EC4024 Pre Course Background Reading

Here are some non technical books that will make the course more interesting if you read them first, before all […]

December 19th, 2007

EC4333 Provisional Mark Distribution

All marks are provisional subject to passing the Autumn exam board but here's the distribution of marks in the EC4333 […]

December 18th, 2007

links for 2007-12-18

Axes et groupes du CIREQ Interesting Research Institute (tags: interestingpeople)

December 17th, 2007

links for 2007-12-17

Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments Markowitz's classic book (tags: books Finance EC4024)

December 14th, 2007

links for 2007-12-14

Research Prominent Behavioural Economist, a hero of one of the EC4024 lectures (tags: economics Finance Research EC4024) Economics 525 Syllabus […]

December 6th, 2007

links for 2007-12-06

The PBL Network Ireland Teaching forum. I've just joined the steering committee. (tags: teaching) Learning by Doing: Section 2 Experiential […]

December 3rd, 2007

Teaching Heterodox Economics using PBL and Weblogs

Here's a presentation I'm giving on Friday at the 2007 UCD Teaching Colloquium, based on this paper. I'm looking forward […]

December 2nd, 2007

links for 2007-12-02

Herbert Gintis' Web Site (tags: Economic economics evolution People) Basic Guides for EVIEWS Review site useful for EC6012 (tags: EC6012)

@barrd on Mastodon