
The father of fractals is dead. Mandelbrot should have won the Nobel prize in economics for his work in the 1960s on commodity prices, much of his work is summarised in this book, which I reviewed here. Below is a talk Mandelbrot gave at TED describing his life's work.

  Category: Notes To Self

17 posts
October 17th, 2010

RIP, Mandelbrot

The father of fractals is dead. Mandelbrot should have won the Nobel prize in economics for his work in the […]

October 1st, 2010

What gets academics going

So, right, he was all like what???, and I was all like, noooo, and then he was all, like, you're wrong […]

December 21st, 2008

Minimal Advice to Students on Programming with Mathematica

Mathematica is a powerful computational engine, and I do all my research and some of my teaching using it. Cosma […]

October 20th, 2008

Notes to Self: How to Moderate a Session at a Conference

I've been going to lots of conferences recently, and I've been asked to chair a few sessions here and there. […]

September 7th, 2008

Note to Self: Seth Godin's The Dip

Book cover via Amazon It's a wet day before term starts, so I'm reading little bits and piece to keep […]

August 7th, 2008

Fields Medal Winner Terrence Tao on Time Management

Terrence Tao is one of the smartest and most accomplished human beings alive. Every economist who is not Joseph Stiglitz […]

July 18th, 2008

Notes to Self: Algorithmic Game Theory

Algorithmic Game Theory is the name given to a subfield where computer science and game theory overlap. The idea is […]

July 11th, 2008

Notes to Self: Information and Learning in Markets

Information and Learning in Markets represents the culmination of fifteen years of Xavier Vives' work in applying Bayesian ideas to […]

July 10th, 2008

Notes to Self: Kendrick et al's Computational Economics

Notes for Kendrick, Mercado and Amman's 2006 Princeton University Press book: Computational Economics (Code for the programs in this book […]

April 25th, 2008


...emails I've sent since Jan 1, 2008. Number of emails recieved: 8,934. Damn! I'm thinking of declaring email bankruptcy.

April 25th, 2008

A List of Where to find economic data quickly

The US Economy: Bureau of Labor Statistics The EU: Eurostat The EU with Micro data: OECD . World Poverty/Income Distribution data: IMF World GDP/GNP Data: The Penn World Tables Historical Financial Data: Measuring Worth Irish Macro Data: CSO (Measuring Ireland's Progress is a great place to start here), the ESRI has excellent Micro data on health.

March 2nd, 2008

Notes to Self: Made to Stick

Don’t forget the curse of knowledge: don’t assume, like the defenders of the duo piano, that others care at the same level you do.

...Pay Attention Unexpected Understand & Remember Concrete Believe and Agree Credible Care Emotional Act Stories

@barrd on Mastodon