
Our paper just published in Frontiers of Public Health.

  Category: Papers

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June 2nd, 2016

The roles of financial threat, social support, work stress and mental distress in dairy farmers’ expectations of injury

Our paper just published in Frontiers of Public Health.

December 18th, 2015

Wine Dark Seas: Visualising Economic Crises

Here's a paper I've just submitted, the code is here. Abstract Models in economics and finance typically use time series […]

June 30th, 2012

Method to Simultaneously Determine Stock, Flow, and Parameter Values in Large Stock Flow Consistent Models

Stock flow consistent macroeconomic models suffer from the lack of a coherent estimation method due to the complicated nature of the modeling process. This paper provides a candidate estimation method that determines the values of each stock and flow simultaneously by analytically solving any stock flow model, and converting the estimation into a global minimization problem in p − k dimensions. We describe the method and apply it to a canonical model using real-world data. The method estimates the parameters and flows reliably.

January 17th, 2012

Upcoming talks.

I've said 'yes' to a lot of stuff this semester. I'm giving a few talks to local schools and one […]

December 17th, 2011

Deleveraging in the Eurozone

Vincent O'Sullivan and I have some thoughts on the issue for VoxEU here. Vincent O'Sullivan and I have some thoughts […]

November 7th, 2011

Words to the Wise

I've been updating my SSRN page with new working papers, rather than this blog, for a few weeks. There are […]

June 8th, 2011

An institutional architecture for meta-risk regulation in Irish banking: Lessons from Anglo Irish Bank’s Minsky moment

Here's a new paper forthcoming in the Journal of Banking Regulation with KPV O'Sullivan, abstract below. Abstract. The article maps […]

May 31st, 2011

QuickWin Economics Ebook Available Now

The Ebook version of QuickWin Economics is available, it's €4.99. Click here to buy a copy.

March 8th, 2011

Acute Medical Assessment Units: An Efficient Alternative to In-Hospital Acute Medical Care

Here's a paper we've just published in the Irish Medical Journal looking at Acute Assessment Units, and their contribution to […]

November 18th, 2010

Debt Deflation in a Stock Flow Consistent Macromodel

This is a chapter co-authored with Saed Khalil in the forthcoming volume in honour of Wynne Godley, edited by Dimitri […]

September 8th, 2010

Are large complex economic systems unstable ?

Short answer, yes. This is a lovely paper by Dr Sitabhra Sinha describing physical analogies to the current crisis, and […]

September 3rd, 2010

The economy of bitterness

Written for fun after a bit too much bitterness online and in the real world, here's my attempt to minimise […]

May 15th, 2010

Does Ireland need constitutional reform?

There has been much talk of constitutional reform in recent days (anyone interested in this area should be reading Here's […]

May 14th, 2010

Corporate Governance Failure: Anglo Irish Bank’s Minsky moment

Here's a working paper with KPV O'Sullivan on Anglo Irish Bank, the corporate landscape in Ireland, and our macroeconomic transition. […]

April 5th, 2010

Income Distribution in a Stock-Flow-Consistent Model with Education and Technological Change

Abstract. We model a macroeconomy with stock flow consistent national accounts built from the local interactions of heterogenous agents (households, […]

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