Here are my student evaluations for Autumn 2006/2007EC3601 Irish Economic Environment[Download EC3601_Evaulations_Kinsella-2.pdf]EC4333 Economics of European Integration[Download_EC4333_Kinsella_Evaluation-3.pdf]EC6101 International Political EconomyEC6101_Kinsella_Evaluation-2.pdfOverall, I'm quite pleased with the evaluations, as they have shown that most people like the way I'm doing things. There are areas to improve though, and three things are apparent from the qualitative comments: He asks too much of us;He tries to put too much into a lecture and so seems scattered;He knows his stuff and is enthusiastic but tends to wander off the point sometimes.So next semester, I'm going to focus on being focused in lectures, more structured in my objectives for the class in particular and the module in general, and demand less of the student in terms of continual assessment.Feedback is great.