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March 3rd, 2008

What good teachers say about teaching

Can you see the approach of your lecturers here at UL in the comments at the website below? Click here […]

March 3rd, 2008

EC4024 Mini Presentation

Thursday's Mini Presentation will be on Leveraging, and will be presented by Kate McMullen and David O'Loughlin.

March 3rd, 2008

Oh-Oh: Stagflation in Progress?

EC4024 students: we may have to take a detour off the course outline for a little rap on Stagflation, just […]

March 2nd, 2008

Notes to Self: Made to Stick

Don’t forget the curse of knowledge: don’t assume, like the defenders of the duo piano, that others care at the same level you do.

...Pay Attention Unexpected Understand & Remember Concrete Believe and Agree Credible Care Emotional Act Stories

March 2nd, 2008

Peter Bernstein On Investing

Q: What investing and personal advice do you offer your great-grandchildren? A: As they are four and two (and about […]

February 29th, 2008

Notes to Self: Econophysics

This is proof of three things: one, I'm an idiot, two, my website is actually more useful to me as an archive than you, the casual reader, and three, I spend waaay too much time on the net.

... Proposes a new measure for size distributions of business firms: lognormal generation plus a stretching component to bring about the Pareto-distribution we see in real world data on firm sizes.

February 28th, 2008

EC4024 Lecture 10 Podcast

February 28th, 2008

EC4024 Mini Presentation

February 27th, 2008

links for 2008-02-27

Teachers TV | Thousands of education programmes on TV and online (tags: development education howto opensource podcasting science Teaching)

February 26th, 2008

EC6012 Blogwork 4

Use the text to help you answer the questions in the homework below.

Right click the link below and choose 'save target as' to get the file.

February 26th, 2008

Oh Dear

When your credit card debt per capita is this high, things are bound to go wrong. Think about what would […]

February 25th, 2008

Some Good Advice

It is impossible for the reader to understand the significance of a theorem or follow a proof if he does not know the exact meaning of terms.

...Once the reasons for the validity of the theorem are seen, once its proof is understood, once the inevitability and logical necessity of the relationship are comprehended, the theorem becomes like an old friend not easily forgotten, quick to be recognized if met again.

February 24th, 2008

links for 2008-02-24

II. Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion. Mill, John Stuart. 1869. On Liberty (tags: science economics ec4333 EC4024)

February 24th, 2008

JS Mill on Certainty of Opinion

EC4024 Students take note, the Maestro has something to say on the issue of uncertainty which we covered in lecture […]

February 23rd, 2008

links for 2008-02-23

PRICE THEORY: AN INTERMEDIATE TEXT by David Friedman (tags: books Course Ebooks economics Readings)

@barrd on Mastodon