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November 12th, 2007

links for 2007-11-12

Cat People Cartoon (tags: Xmas)

November 11th, 2007

Bhagwhati on Free Trade

Columbia University economist Jagdhish Bhagwati speaks about free trade. Excellent primer for understanding the Pro-globalisation arguments in a a short […]

November 9th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 9 Inequality Podcast

November 9th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 9 Inequality Podcast

Watch the podcast of the lecture below.

November 8th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 10 Political Economy of Enlargement

EC4333 Lecture 10 Enlargement and Political Economy of Enlargement Time: 1.5 Hours Aims To introduce students to the institutional, legal […]

November 8th, 2007

Reconciling Newtonian and Simonian Concepts of Space: Some questions for Dr. Downes

Abstract This brief note summarises and expands Downes’ (2006) contribution in this journal. I argue Downes’ conclusions emanate from a […]

November 7th, 2007

links for 2007-11-07

ARCHIVE OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION - Fantastic Resource for Primary Documents relating to European Integration (tags: ec4333 research Readings,) YouTube EU's […]

November 7th, 2007

2007 competitiveness report: EU Doing better than the US

The EU's strategy for growth and jobs (Lisbon strategy) is bearing fruit. According to this year's competitiveness report, the bloc's […]

November 7th, 2007

50 Years of the EU

Nice one. Embedded Video Blogged with Flock

November 7th, 2007

Preparation of the Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europe for Integration into the Internal Market of the Union - White Paper. COM (95) 163 final, 3 May 1995

Preparation of the Associated Countries of Central and Eastern Europe for Integration into the Internal Market of the Union - […]

November 7th, 2007

Lessig on Open Source and Copyright Law

Blogged with Flock

November 6th, 2007

Interesting Seminar for EC4333 Students

Ireland and European Regional Policy---Influenced and Influencing. Wednesday Nov 7, Daly Room, Plassey Hse, 2.15pm--3.30pm This presentation explores Ireland’s response […]

November 5th, 2007

links for 2007-11-05

Resource for PKE activity on the Net (tags: Post+Keynesian_Ecs)

November 5th, 2007

Christmas Exam Time, Place yet to be announced

Module: EC4333 Module Title: ECONOMICS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Date: 14-Dec-2007 Day: Friday Building: Location: Time: 16:00 Other Information: University of  […]

November 4th, 2007

Wage Inequality in Europe: the Role of Labour Market and Redistributive Institutions

This paper aims at a deeper understanding of the determinants of wage inequality, the most important component of income inequality, […]

@barrd on Mastodon