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October 29th, 2007

Really useful Article: How to Blog a Conference

Actually, these are tips for using a laptop in a place where people are speaking. As I coordinate the seminars […]

October 29th, 2007

Steven Levitt: Why do Crack Dealers still live with their Mothers?

Blogged with Flock Tags: Freakonomics

October 29th, 2007

links for 2007-10-29

iwright - Ian Wright (tags: interestingpeople economics)

October 29th, 2007

Finite Simple Group of Order Two

Lovely stuff. Embedded Video Blogged with Flock

October 29th, 2007

Death by PowerPoint

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October 29th, 2007

Death by PowerPoint

[slideshare id=85551&doc=death-by-powerpoint4344&w=425] Blogged with Flock

October 29th, 2007

Ian Wright

iwright - Ian Wright Papers and Simulation software from a guy exploring Marxist economics from a computational standpoint. Awesome. Blogged […]

October 29th, 2007

Do Heterodox Theories Have Anything in Common? A Post-Keynesian View

Here's the start of a series of links for Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling, something like the start of a literature review […]

October 29th, 2007


test... Blogged with Flock

October 28th, 2007

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Don't know if I agree with everything here, but it makes for interesting viewing Link

October 27th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 8 Mergers and Acquisitions

You can watch the lecture below and download the slides. | View | Upload your own Download the handout by […]

October 27th, 2007

The Budgetary Cost of the War

We talked about this in class on Friday, here's a nice graph for you. You're looking at appropriations for U.S. […]

October 27th, 2007

5 Reasons Why You Should Simplify What You Say, and How to Do It

5 Reasons Why You Should Simplify What You Say, and How to Do It:

October 26th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 7 Podcast

Just click 'play now' to watch the podcast.

October 25th, 2007

EC4333 Problem Set 2

Right click the link below to download the problem set. EC4333_2007_ProblemSet_2.pdf You'll also need the Solow.xls spreadsheet designed by Brad […]

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