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July 24th, 2011

Stop fighting the last battle, just tackle the one we're in

{Published in the Sunday Independent) SINCE the beginning of organised warfare, every general has had the same problem. He (it's […]

July 18th, 2011

What a difference a few decades makes

Here's a cool chart I made using this software. It compares Ireland in 2009 and Ireland in 1962. Click on […]

July 6th, 2011

Ireland in 2050 Excerpt

Click here for an excerpt of the Ireland in 2050 book on Scribd. Ireland in 2050.Scribd

July 6th, 2011

Investing in Europe

In my opinion, inflation in the Eurozone in the next 12 months isn’t something for investors to be worried about. […]

July 1st, 2011

Microsoft Word Rant

I began academic life as an MS Word snob. Word was the devil’s program, used by eejits who didn’t know […]

June 25th, 2011

The problem with savings is that they can be taxed

Savings have shot up as people are getting more and more worried about their future. This is contributing to a balance-sheet recession.

June 23rd, 2011

Misdiagnosis can kill the patient

Medicine is built on tragedy. It is littered with stories that might have been avoided had the physician seen the […]

June 21st, 2011

Why haven’t we built the Brooklyn Bridge in Modern Finance?

Uncertainty abounds in the financial systems of the world today. Clear, quantifiable risk measurements are muddied with existential issues of […]

June 21st, 2011

New Blog Layout

I'm trying out new blog layouts, please bear with me while the place is a mess!

June 16th, 2011

QuickWin iPhone App

It's €4.99, let's see how the iPhone app gets on relative to the book and ePub versions. Click the image […]

June 16th, 2011

QuickWin Economics Q&A

Here's a Q&A on QuickWin Economics from Economics in Action.

June 16th, 2011

Audio, Slides, Papers from Godley Conference

Audio files of each talk, papers, and slides of the stock flow consistent modeling conference honouring the late, great, Wynne […]

June 13th, 2011

Blast from the past: Hedgehog Logic-the Problems of Econometrics Today

While searching my computer for a review of Wynne Godley's Monetary Economics by Lance Taylor titled 'The Foxy Hedgehog', I […]

June 12th, 2011

The epidemic of mental illness

Nothing to do with economics, but this essay surveying books about mental illness is well written, provocative, and thought provoking. […]

June 9th, 2011

INET Grant

I'm one of the INET grant awardees for a project on estimating Stock Flow Consistent models in Ireland. Can't wait […]

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