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September 17th, 2007

EC502 Macroeconomics

A course I taught at NUI Galway in 2004. Archives of the course are below.

September 15th, 2007

Site Redo

Because Ireland are playing so badly...

September 14th, 2007

Downward Revision of EU GDP Forecasts

We talked about GDP today. Here's a definition. And here's what the forecasters are saying will happen to GDP in […]

September 12th, 2007

links for 2007-09-12

Economics Everywhere Good source of examples of the New Economics of Everything (tags: everything+paper) Royal Economic Society Annual Conference - […]

September 12th, 2007

The Margins of Viability

Abstract Background: Prematurity and extremely low birth-weight (ELBW) is a well recognised financial burden on health care in the developed […]

September 12th, 2007

Berhanu Nega on the Struggle for Ethiopian Freedom

Dr Berhanu Nega was imprisoned 2 years ago for being the leader of the main opposition party in Ethiopia. He […]

September 11th, 2007

Experimental Economics Labs Around the World

Experimental Economics is a hot topic in economics at the moment. Here are the top labs in the world. Laboratory […]

September 11th, 2007

Teaching Heterodox Economics using Problem Based Learning Methods

Abstract Teaching heterodox economics to postgraduate students trained in the more traditional aspects of economics using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methods […]

September 11th, 2007

Should the ECB go for growth?

Should the ECB go for growth? | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from Europe's leading economists: Jean-Claude Trichet […]

September 10th, 2007

links for 2007-09-10

JSTOR: The American Economic Review: Vol. 68, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American […]

September 10th, 2007

Key Reading for EC4333

The Economist's Charlemagne on The EU: A QUARTER of the way into a devastating new book about the European Union, […]

September 9th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 1 Concepts

Right click the link below and choose 'save target as' to download the handout. EC4333_Lecture1_handout_numbers.pdf

September 9th, 2007

EC4333 Lecture 0 Introduction to the Course

September 8th, 2007

links for 2007-09-08

Geek notes for living inside of one text file. This is what happens when computers get too complicated. Geek notes […]

September 8th, 2007

Deirdre McCloskey: The Trouble with Mathematics and Statistics in Economics

Brilliant Essay, required reading for EC4333'ers. Best Paragraph: I am sure you will agree: An inquiry into the world must […]

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