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February 13th, 2007

EC6012 Problem Based Learning

International Monetary Economics will be taught through PBL, problem-based learning. If you want to read more about PBL, download this. […]

February 13th, 2007

Free Dr. Berhanu Nega

The Ethiopian government arrested Dr. Berhanu Nega and six other leaders of the Ethiopian political opposition (CUD) after a protest over election irregularities on 1 November, 2005 in which 46 people were killed, and hundreds were wounded....  He is Mayor of Addis Ababa, has served as president of the Ethiopian Economic Association, founded the Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute, and served as a consultant for the UN Economic Commission for Africa.

February 9th, 2007

EC6012 Course Outline

Macroeconomic objectives, The money concept its origin, definition and current role; different types of money â commodity money, fiat money, etc; Measuring the money supply M0, M1, M2, etc ; Money supply counterparts, the causes of money supply changes ;The demand for money and its determinants ;The repo rate and its impact on the economy; The role of all the other interest rates in the economy; The monetary transmission mechanism; How the Reserve Bank conducts monetary policy; The reason for having inflation targets.

...[Three Lectures] Reading: Chapter 2 Godley, 2006 A very simple Model with Government Money Government and private money and a service economy [Two lectures] Reading: Chapter 3 Godley, 2006 Government Money with Portfolio Choice The PC Model simulated and derived for the class.[Two lectures] Reading: Chapter 4 Godley:2006 Presentations Presentations will be made on the following papers in the following areas.

February 9th, 2007

EC6012 Setting up Group Blogs

Here is the procedure for setting up your blog....  Post your group homework on the blog.

February 9th, 2007

EC6012 Lecture 1 Introduction

structuralist models are based on the social relations between broad groups of economic actors Intellectual Foundations Keynes Kalecki, Ricardo, Marx => Fundamental assumption: the economy's institutions and social groups play causal roles in determining overall behaviour of the economy.

...All the models you will see in this course are constructed directly from aggregates like household consumption, business investment, etc. Stocks v Flows flows (GDP is the sum of payments to labour, payments for 'surplus' (profits) and payments for indirect taxes) stocks (cumulative flow: the country's net foreign asset position is the sum over time of its current account surpluses.)

February 6th, 2007

MDU Macroeconomics Lecture 2 Progress and Poverty

The adoption of capitalism does not guarantee success, however.Where the government plays an active role is supporting the economy's growth, the country will, generally speaking, be better off.International investment, which is the diversion of the surplus product from one country to another, can help make countries richer through these transfers.

...There are ample we resources on the debate on inequality in the links I've mentioned already if you want to get more into this area.There are some really shocking numbers out there, for instance we have <>:The figure is one such measure of inequality - the ratio of the wealth of the richest 1% to that of a household with typical wealth in the middle.

February 5th, 2007

links for 2007-02-05

JSTOR: Journal of Economic Perspectives: Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 159-168 Lecture 2 MDU Reading (tags: Macro Readings) Eviews macros […]

February 1st, 2007

links for 2007-02-01

Society for Computational Economics Conference Great Simulation in Macro Conference (tags: UL Conferences Research) Emmanuel Saez's Home Page Interesting UC […]

February 1st, 2007

Review of Innovation, Unemployment and Policy in the Theories of Growth and Distribution

The use of externalities allows the presence of increasing returns similar to the division of labour found in Adam Smith's reasoning.The idea of the book is to look at the linkages between economic growth and distribution, tying in in successive sections the theories of human capital and development, research and development, consumption variety and quality of investment, analysis of imperfect labour markets and closing the book with the linkages between growth and distribution.The chapters display a variety of methodological approaches, from dynamic programming via the Grossman-Helpman model (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13), analysis of structural change (Chapter 4), social network analysis using graph theory (7), overlapping generations (Chapter 8 and 14), Bellman equation style search theory with behavioural traits (Chapter 9) and Social Accounting Matrices through structuralist macroeconomics (Chapter 12)....  This model offers quite persuasive evidence against a statement like Robert Lucas (2004) on the relationships between inequality (proxied in Chapter 12 through the relationship of aggregate demand to the distribution of wages and prices in the economy in equation 12.15) and other macro variables when the economy is investment-constrained.

February 1st, 2007


Folks came from afar just to see Two Economists who'd agreed to agree. While the event did take place, It […]

January 30th, 2007

University of Limerick's Plagiarism Policy & Referencing Tutorial

1] asthe appropriation of another's idea, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit.The sanctions for this are severe.  Make sure all your work can't be thought of as plagiarized by first referencing your work properly, the University has a tutorial here.Second, if you really want to be sure, try submitting your essay or other work to

January 30th, 2007

Useful Research Phrases

.[A couple of other guys think so, too.]"It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding occurs" ....  .[This is a lousy paper, but so are all the others on this miserable topic.]"Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to George Frink for valuable assistance" .

January 25th, 2007

links for 2007-01-25

Economist's View: Bruce Bartlett and Tyler Cowen on Inequality Excellent summary of respective positions on inequality, useful for Macro Class […]

January 24th, 2007

links for 2007-01-24

Cornell Notetaking Method Custom PDF Generator Really useful notetaking method; UL undergrads should take a look at the Cornell Method. […]

January 23rd, 2007

links for 2007-01-23

Inside the Economist's Mind (I.T.E.M.): Review in Ireland Link to my review of Inside the Economist's Mind from Dr. Barnett's […]

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