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January 22nd, 2007

links for 2007-01-22

LaTeX project: LaTeX documentation Learning LaTeX Resources (tags: documentation opensource programming tex tutorial writing)

January 22nd, 2007

Student Evaluations

Here are my student evaluations for Autumn 2006/2007EC3601 Irish Economic Environment[Download EC3601_Evaulations_Kinsella-2.pdf]EC4333 Economics of European Integration[Download_EC4333_Kinsella_Evaluation-3.pdf]EC6101 International Political EconomyEC6101_Kinsella_Evaluation-2.pdfOverall, I'm quite pleased with the evaluations, as they have shown that most people like the way I'm doing things.  There are areas to improve though, and three things are apparent from the qualitative comments: He asks too much of us;He tries to put too much into a lecture and so seems scattered;He knows his stuff and is enthusiastic but tends to wander off the point sometimes.So next semester, I'm going to focus on being focused in lectures, more structured in my objectives for the class in particular and the module in general, and demand less of the student in terms of continual assessment.Feedback is great.

January 22nd, 2007

Review of Prospects for Monetary Union After the Euro

Chapters 2, 3, and 4 ask simple questions of the enlargement process, considering simulations of likely convergence paths for accession countries in a Real Business Cycle framework (Chapter 1), an estimation of costs of structural reforms in an accession country (Chapter 2), finding out how intra-EU trade will be affected by the presence of possibly more favourable conditions in newer countries (Chapter 3) and the influence of productivity differentials on the exchange rates of four accession countries....  As an example, the inclusion or exclusion of Turkey into the EU will have to be considered in a political economy framework before standard RBC models can be force-fitted onto some large panel dataset and estimated to oblivion, if we are to gain some insight into how these systems behave when coupled through a common currency.Given the well documented political struggles that took place to move the Euro from an idea to a reality, might have drawn some consideration from one of the authors.

January 17th, 2007

Referencing Guides and Software

Use this UL Library resource as a guide to creating proper references.Here is a .pdf on the subject from Curtin University as well for handy reference.  [Download Handout 1]Here is a handy piece of free, cross-platform software called Jabref to help you keep track of your references.

January 16th, 2007

links for 2007-01-16

Printing from a Windows XP PC to a printer attached to an Airport Extreme Base Station or Airport Express (tags: […]

January 15th, 2007

EC6012 International Monetary Economics Course Outline

Right Click the link below to download the course outline.

January 15th, 2007

MG 4014 MDU Macroeconomics

MDU Macroeconomics Course Outline MDU Macroeconomics Course Outlineclass="cmr-12">Stephen Kinsella Department of EconomicsUnversity of Limerick, Irelandhttp://www.stephenkinsella.net2007-01-15 1 OverviewMacroeconomics is the study of how the decisions of individuals, families, firms and governments produceoutcomes—such as economic progress or stagnation, inflation or unemployment—for the economyas a whole....  All readings will be taken from Samuel Bowles, Richard Edwards, andFrank Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Command, Competition, and Change, Oxford University Press, 2005.Here is a link to the OUP site for the book:

January 12th, 2007

EC6012 Presentations by Group

JSTOR: Download Article from American Economic Review: Vol.

...2, Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Asociation.

January 12th, 2007

Notes for Inside the Economist's Mind

The idea is to gauge the position of the profession by asking the people who invented large swathes of the theory their motivations for doings what they did, when they did it, and how they did it....  Looking at the path integral method as an undergraduate, you can see how he came up with it (if, in fairness, I didn't really understand it), how startlingly original he was in doing his physics, because that's how he lived his life---he followed different paths as he felt he needed to, and arrived at different destinations thatn others because of his personality.

January 11th, 2007

links for 2007-01-11

Health Economics Association of Ireland Conference (tags: Health Conference) IJMS | Irish Journal of Medical Sciences (tags: Health Journals)

January 11th, 2007

FYP Policies

This is not because I am busy and important, but because your project is important, and it deserves my undivided attention.MinutesAt our meetings, as we talk, I'll keep a record of what we talk about in a text file---what we decide to do, what I advise you to read, where you should be looking for data, and so forth....  What the 7-10 day turnaround means is: if you're handing in your first draft of your FYP one week before the official UL deadline, having broken all of the previous deadlines you set yourself without talking to me about it, you're not going to find me breaking my back to help you---I'll generally only go through a one draft iteration with you in that case.

January 11th, 2007

FYP Proposal Form

Here's a sample proposal form to guide students I'm advising for their Final Year Projects. [Download Final_Year_Project_Guidelines.rtf]

January 10th, 2007

EC4333 Exam & Marking Instructions

The use of bilingual dictionaries is allowed, as long as long as they are clean copies, so nothing is written by you on them.  This is at the lecturer's discretion, and I don't see why you shouldn't have these dictionaries if you wish to use them.2.

January 9th, 2007

links for 2007-01-09

A Production and Cost Experiment for Use in the Principles of Microeconomics Maybe useful for introducing concept of production function […]

January 6th, 2007

links for 2007-01-06

development models - lewis Transferring surplus labour from rural to urban areas has no effect on agricultural productivity as MP […]

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